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Youth Programs

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Learning More

Embracing Orthodox

The Orthodox Christian faith and doctrine date from the first century AD, and are more relevant than ever to today’s world.

Are you considering becoming a Christian?  Are you a Christian of another confession considering embracing the Orthodox Christian way of life?  Are you a practicing Orthodox Christian looking to enrich your understanding?


“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 1:3

Contact Fr. Demetre to find out when the next Orthodoxy 101 class is!

Journey to Marriage


Are you considering or preparing for marriage, or interested in nourishing and enhancing your marriage ?

Journey to Marriage offers an interactive learning environment where participants are able to see and understand marriage in a new light, improve interpersonal communication, and fall more deeply in love with their partner.

Couples meet with Fr. Demetre in the Learning Center by special arrangement.

Sunday School

St. Katherine Sunday School offers a comprehensive religious education program that primarily follows the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese curriculum.  Each grade level (Preschool through High School) introduces 15 common areas of study in an age appropriate manner.  Areas include God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible (OT and NT), Saints, Church History, Hymnology, Icons, our Faith, Stewardship, Service in the Community, Living our Faith in the World, etc. 

Greek school

St. Katherine offers classes in the modern Greek language for both children and adults, and across the proficiency spectrum.

St. Katherine’s Greek Studies program is unique in that we offer an integrated home-school program with onsite tutorial that is computer based and self-paced, making use of Living Languages, Mango Languages, and Rosetta Stone linguistic software and the latest teaching materials developed by the Papaloizos family, and books developed through a grant from the Archdiocese Faith Endowment.


Students gather at St. Katherine on Monday evenings from 4 to 5 pm for pre-kindergarden and elementary school children; and 4 to 6 pm for adults.

Classes are held on a weekly basis, where students (together with parents), are grouped and guided by attainment level, not by age or grade.  We offering 30 hrs of personal guided instruction for children, and 60 hours of instruction for adults over the 30 week program (3 x 10 Modules).  Progress and attendance reports are provided at the end of each Module.

After opening with the Trisagion (“Thrice Holy”) prayers to the Holy Trinity in Greek, the students attend assigned classes according to their age and linguistic abilities where they receive interactive tutorial in multiple aspects of the Greek language (e.g. reading, grammar, letters, music, writing, recitation), using the latest learning tools including laptops, iPad apps, video, flashcards and CD players.

For further information please call our Greek School Director, Vasiliki Lempesis, at (239) 204-1888, or by e-mail at , or our Parish Office.


St. Katherine frequently offers learning opportunities within our sanctuary:

  • All of the worship services of the Orthodox Church are filled with divine theology as expressed in the hymnology and petitions.

  • Homilies are offered during every Divine Liturgy that is celebrated, both weekends and weekdays, and during many other services.

  • Church tours are offered as part of our annual GreekFest celebration in February.

  • And, periodically, special programs, such as our annual Christmas Pageant, are hosted on a variety of spiritual and pastoral topics.

Contact Us:

7100 Airport Rd. 

Naples, FL 34109


Tel: (239) 591-3430​

Hours: Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  • Youtube
  • Facebook

Service Hours

Sunday Services:
8:30 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

See Calendar

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